Cornbread Waffle Recipe

cornbread waffles with chili and scissors

Waffle Your Cornbread!

Sorry cast iron pan, but there is a new tool in town…

I’m going to come out and say, waffling cornbread is just wow! I mean it makes total sense right?! Each pocket is crispy, evenly cooked, and catches all the delicious sauce. Whether it is with chili, butter, honey, and whatever else you eat cornbread with.

For those who are on Team Pancake, and traditionalists in baking cornbread in the oven, I say, “Do not be afraid! I’m sure this won’t disappoint” and if does, at least you tried 🤷‍♀️

cornbread waffle with chili


Keep in mind, I made this on Presto’s waffle iron. It is a Belgian waffle style, with deep pockets. I haven’t tried this recipe on a smaller/shallower waffle iron, but I imagine it is just as good. Cooking times just might be shorter. Use your intuition and experience!

cornbread waffle with honey and scallions and scissors on the table

Cornbread Waffle Recipe

Your average cornbread but waffled! Achieving even cooking, sauce in every bite, and crispy-ness

  • Waffle Iron
  • Mixing Bowls
  • Scale
  • 82 grams Butter (unsalted)
  • 155 grams Milk (whole)
  • 200 grams Buttermilk
  • 13 grams White Vinegar
  • 1 Egg (large)
  • 160 grams All-Purpose Flour
  • 140 grams Corn Flour
  • 5 grams Baking Soda
  • 4 grams Baking Powder
  • 1 gram Paprika
  • 7 grams Salt (kosher)
  • 1.5 grams Black Pepper (ground)
  • cheese, jalapenos, bacon, etc (OPTIONAL)
  1. In a medium size bowl, whisk the butter, milk, buttermilk, white vinegar, and egg until incorporated

  2. In a small bowl, whisk the flours, baking soda, baking powder, paprika, salt, and black pepper until incorporated

  3. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, whisk

  4. OPTIONAL: fold in your extras, shredded cheese, jalapenos, bacon, etc.

  5. Preheat/turn on the waffle maker

  6. Once the waffle maker is ready, cook each waffle for about 5-7 minutes, until golden brown. Repeat

  7. Serve and enjoy!

Breakfast, dinner, lunch
cornbread, waffles

📸 Did you make this too?! Sharing is caring, so tag @foxandfeast, #foxandfeast, and don’t forget to follow!✨

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